Fattmerchant Python Client Docs

How to get started

Once the package has been installed, to get started, the first thing you will need to do is import the package like so:

from fattmerchant.client import FMClient

After the package has been imported, the client needs to be instantiated with a production API key like so:

fatt = FMClient({ Insert your API key here })

Once an instance of the class has been created, any of the controllers can be called to interact with our API like so:

transactions = fatt.transactions.list()
transaction = fatt.transactions.get(transactions[0].id)
print transaction


All controller methods have the possibility of returning any of the custom exceptions depending on the response status code from the API.

The possible exceptions are as follows:

Status Code Exception



401 InvalidTokenException
404 ResourceDoesNotExistException
409 DuplicateResourceException

(All Exceptions documentation)